9 years, 2 months ago.

Is possible work with mbed in a low power?

Hello guys,

I saw deferents classes into mbed library for example lowPowerTicker, lowPowerTimeout and lowPowerTimer. But i don't know how they can be used I only have a goal to set mbed up lowPower and after one connection BLE set mbed up normal mode again. I know in others families of devices that's possible but i don't know how I can do it in mbed platform.

any suggestion?

thanks in advance.

Does it apply for all micros? When I switch the platform from STM32L073 to STM32F103, LowPowerTimer/LowPowerTimeout are undefined.

posted by Kai Liu 01 Sep 2017

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.

The easiest way to see the difference between the different libraries such as the low power libraries is to examine the simple Blinky examples. The initial Blinky examples use the "wait" API to generate the time delay whereas the low power APIs use a function called "sleep." The difference is that the wait function is a blocking function that leaves the CPU running in the highest power mode. The sleep function is a non-blocking function that allows the MCU to place the system in the lowest power mode available to the SoC and uses a callback function that is run when servicing the ISR that generated the wake event. You can check out some of the examples from the different manufacturers that take advantage of the low power APIs such as the Silicon Labs Gecko starter kits.

Accepted Answer

first thanks for reply,

I would be interested in a non-blocking function but let's me still working in low power the radio function. I don't know if something like that is into API mbed. Anyway thanks i'll check the examples. best regards.

posted by Miguel Alarcón Ortiz 25 Oct 2015