9 years, 2 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Unclear question

Copying files to Multitech mDot on Win 7 throws "Destination folder Access Denied";works on Ubuntu

Recently I got a Multitech mDot -868-XTP-SMA-1 on MTUDK2-ST and configured it to talk to LoRa Conduit Gateway.

Everytime I connect the mDot to Windows 7 and try to copy a compiled program or firmware it throws a popup

"Destination Folder Access Denied" You need Permission to perform this action.

I disabled the the User Account Control settings and still see the same problem.

Anyone else seen this issue on Windows 7. It works fine when I connect it to a Ubuntu machine.

Thanks, John /media/uploads/johnjc/multitech_mdot_error.png