8 years, 9 months ago.

MSCFileSystem - Could not enumerate device: -1 ??

I have a lpc1768 & a mbed application board. Recently, I am trying to use MSCFileSytem to read/write file from USB memory stick (FAT). I tried the sample project : MSCUsbHost and have it compiled online, the bin file works fine on my lpc1768 and can access files from usb stick. My problem is, if I compile it offline and copy new bin file to lpc1768, it will stuck on function Host_EnumDev in MSCFIleSystem.cpp. with error message: (ALL leds on bottom twinkle)

USB Mass storage demo program for mbed LPC1768

In Host_Init
Initializing Host Stack
Host Initialized
Connect a Mass Storage device
ERROR: In Host_EnumDev at Line 386 - rc = -1
Could not enumerate device: -1

List of files on the flash drive:
Could not open directory!

I am using eclipse c/c++ IDE, win7, Cross ARM GCC and without any error during compiling.

10:34:42 **** Build of configuration Default for project MSCUsbHost ****
make all 
Compiling FatFileSystem/option/ccsbcs.c
Compiling main.cpp
Compiling MSCFileSystem.cpp
Compiling FatFileSystem/diskio.cpp
Compiling FatFileSystem/FATDirHandle.cpp
Compiling FatFileSystem/FATFileHandle.cpp
Compiling FatFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp
Compiling FatFileSystem/ff.cpp
Compiling USBHostLite/usbhost_lpc17xx.cpp
Compiling USBHostLite/usbhost_ms.cpp
Compiling ../../src/gcc4mbed.c
Linking LPC1768/MSCUsbHost.elf
Extracting LPC1768/MSCUsbHost.bin
Extracting LPC1768/MSCUsbHost.hex
Extracting disassembly to LPC1768/MSCUsbHost.disasm
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
  32804	    640	   1740	  35184	   8970	LPC1768/MSCUsbHost.elf

10:34:53 Build Finished (took 11s.639ms)

How do I fix it? Thanks for any help.

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