8 years, 9 months ago.

How to make MQTT work with an ESP8266 WiFi module on a STM Nucleo board?

Hi guys,

my setup is: a STM Nucleo F411RE board, an ESP8266 WiFi module connected to Serial6's TX/RX pins and – as a start – a DHT22 temperature / humidity sensor. What would I need to post sensor data to an MQTT broker like the open data one over at opensensors.io?

I can already talk to the ESP8266 via a library I found here on mbed (but that's sending only the AT commands to the ESP8266) and I can already read the DHT22 sensor data. For now I'm just printing them to CoolTerm on my Mac but I want to send them to a Mosquitto platform like opensensors.io.

The only problem is: how to make stable HTTP(S) requests via the ESP8266 ... :(

Any help much appreciated!

Thanks, Stefan.

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Sample MQTT program - simple send and receive
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