8 years, 11 months ago.

How fast is the fastanalogin on the lpc4088

The fastanalogin.h library says that continuous conversion on multiple pins on the lpc4088 decreases the conversion rate, but by how much? Specifically, I would like to sample 2 channels, each at at least 100ksps. Is that possible with the lpc4088? I don't own one yet or else I would try it myself.

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.

I don't know exactly how fast fastanalogin is running. I do now it is something I have considered to improve: It can be significantly faster than it is going now, but as said, I don't know what it achieves exactly.

Regarding the hardware, there is a 400kS/s ADC in it if I recall correctly (for sure not less). When you have two channels you can simply divide it by two: The hardware can handle your requirements.