9 years, 3 months ago.

noise PCM2704 stereo playback.

I'm operating USBDAC using PCM2704 by USBHostDac_example.<br> In MONORAL setting (packet size:96 interface:1 altanete:2 WaveFile:Signed 16bit 1ch 48ksps) it works normally and clear sound can be heard. <br> But in STEREO setting (packet size:192 interface:1 altanete:1 WaveFile:Signed 16bit 2ch 48ksps) it generates periodic pop noise (like buzz).<br> What is wrong?<br> **<br> I found the answer after day. Using full speed setting instead of hi speed, PCM2704 works properly.<br>

Question relating to:

This sample will play a ".wav" file of the USB root folder. Only RIFF format, 48kHz, 16bit, 2ch. dac, Host, Isochronous, MSD, USB, wav

1 Answer

8 years, 9 months ago.

GR-PEACH supports USB split transaction.
For this reason, usually it will work even if connect the full-speed device to USB HUB.
However, some of the USB HUB, isochronous transfer does not work.
In this case, it will be better if you replace the HUB.

The details of this discussion has been talked in the following thread. (Japanese page)