9 years, 3 months ago.

Can Semtech SX1276MB1MAS replace MTDOT-868-X1 mDot LORA on an MTUDK2-ST dev board


I have an MTUDK2-ST dev. board. No mDot LORA modules are available at the moment for experimental / research / development use from distributors. No Stock at all currently. I need to get going.

Looking at the header/pin-out diagram of the Semtech SX1276MB1MAS module, it looks like it will fit on the MTUDK2-ST dev. board. Can someone confirm? Can I start developing on the combo MTUDK2-ST / SX1276MB1MAS? I will work around the mDot market shortage at the moment.

Thanks, Remco Kortekaas kaaLabs

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.


The SX1276MB1MAS looks like it is only the radio module and not a micro and radio as the Multitech mDot is. The module will fit on the Arduino header pins on the MTUDK2-ST dev board but you will still need a micro to drive it.

A better option is to use one of the ST Micro based mbed modules with Arduino compatible header pins and the SX1276MB1MAS.

