8 years, 10 months ago.

kl25Z and pinscape controller power out

Is it possible to program the bin for KL25Z, when the program raised vp fp or to let go of power to the coin mechanism and turns off when you get out of fp or visual pinball It would have been saving thanks in advance greeting

ps coin acceptor we work at 12W, but it does not matter use pinballx ever doing a demo table, each player immediately put a coin before the loaded table and money remains thrown. When no voltage coin acceptor she receives coin

Question relating to:

An input/output controller for virtual pinball machines, with plunger position tracking, accelerometer-based nudge sensing, button input encoding, and feedback device control.

have you given up on the project dll, it is difficult of my nobody could solve Greetings

posted by sasa salic 28 Oct 2015

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

Let me see if I understand your question. Do you want a way to make the KL25Z turn the power to the coin mechanism on and off when VP runs? If so, you can do that using the LedWiz emulation feature. That lets software on the PC switch external devices on and off via USB commands to the KL25Z. You'll need to build the MOSFET circuit described in the build guide, and then you'll also need to set up the software on the PC to send the appropriate LedWiz commands. The usual way to handle the LedWiz commands is via DOF (DirectOutput Framework) - http://directoutput.github.io/DirectOutput/.

Yes, and I thought about it, I mean there's a little light, because not every table LedWiz commands. It will for me to go a little harder Thank you for your prompt reply, contacting results because I'm not alone with this problem If you think of something simpler and told us Thanks again

posted by sasa salic 28 Aug 2015

If you're using PinballX or HyperPin to launch tables, you might be able to send the on/off commands to the KL25Z from the launcher. I think both of those have a way to run scripts or call DLL add-ins before and after running a table. That would take a little research to figure out, but assuming it's possible, it's an approach that would work for any table, even those that don't have LedWiz support themselves.

posted by Mike R 28 Aug 2015

hehe, that it would be an ideal solution

posted by sasa salic 28 Aug 2015

If only we could make this dll is paid immediately 10 boxes of beer-)

posted by sasa salic 28 Aug 2015