11 years, 11 months ago.

Power consumption by ADC module in LPC 1768


I have an MBED kit NXP LPC1768. I am converting an analog signal into an equivalent digital value. My query is

I plan to use the board to be powered through a 9V battery, I want to know the power consumed by the ADC per conversion.

Is there any ADC documentation available to find the power consumed per conversion.

Also how much current is being drawn.

Regards, MANANTS

2 Answers

11 years, 11 months ago.

The ADCs power consumption will be negligble compared to the complete systems power consumption tbh.

Accepted Answer

Okay! But is there a method to compute the power consumed by the ADC? Right now I am using only the ADC and system memory (to store converted value)! I wish to know the power consumption of the two separately.

posted by Manas Savkoor 14 Mar 2013

Well you can manually measure the current while only using one of those two, but the majority will be used just by the CPU clock running, the board not being designed for low power (the voltage regulators use a ton of current), etc.

posted by Erik - 14 Mar 2013

From the datasheet I got the current consumption if the clock is being run at a certain frequency! Is there a method to compute power by knowing just the current? So all we do is multiply Vcc*I consumed ??? If you could point to some material would be humbly appreciated

posted by Manas Savkoor 17 Mar 2013

Yes, power is just Vdd * I. But for example if I recall correctly the voltage regulators also have something like 10mA current consumption, and there are two of them.

posted by Erik - 17 Mar 2013

Thanks dude!

posted by Manas Savkoor 19 Mar 2013
11 years, 11 months ago.

@Erik Olieman: Thanks= for the prompt reply! @ALL: The power consumed can be calculated by doing Vdd*I, I rating is obtained from the datasheet! So based on Mr. Olieman's input MBED does provide a way to calculate power consumption per module!