9 years, 6 months ago.

cant use bin file produced by RPC_Serial library


It works fine when i use rpc_serial_lpc1768.bin.

But it doesnt when i use the .bin file produced by importing RPC_Serial library.

Could you please upload the .cpp file of rpc_serial_lpc1768.bin?

Thank you

Question relating to:

hi.... u can try to remove the corrupt file by using the debug function built in the compiler...... if not then try to download the appropriate bin file and then using it to run the library.....

posted by gowtham manikandan 17 Feb 2015

2 Answers

9 years, 5 months ago.


With the help of Andy A I was able to get the mbed and matlab code back running. The Problem is, that the new mbed-rpc library doesn't seem to be compatible with the Matlab Library. So if you import the Serial Program (http://developer.mbed.org/users/MichaelW/code/RPC_Serial/docs/tip/main_8cpp_source.html) and switch to Revision 1 you can still use the matlab library and also the RPC Interface Library to build custom RPC Functions. At least it works for me under this conditions.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards Florian

9 years, 6 months ago.


can you be more specific , and point to the programs you run, the binary names are not sufficient.

Dear Martin Kojtal,

My purpose to communicate mbed NXP lpc1768 using Matlab.

I downloaded rpc_serial_lpc1768.bin the following site.


And i compiled and put into mbed NXP lpc4768. Then, I run the following Matlab2009b program and the LEDs bliked as i programmed ---- clear all clc import mbed.* mymbed = SerialRPC('COM4', 9600) myled = DigitalOut(mymbed, LED3); for i = 1:1:5 myled.write(1); pause(0.5); myled.write(0); pause(0.5); end -------

But, The problem is:

I imported the RPC_Serial program from the same site, which is as follows. -----------

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "mbed_rpc.h"


  • This example program has been updated to use the RPC implementation in the new mbed libraries.
  • This example demonstrates using RPC over serial
  • /

Use the RPC enabled wrapped class - see RpcClasses.h for more info RpcDigitalOut myled(LED4,"myled");

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); int main() { The mbed RPC classes are now wrapped to create an RPC enabled version - see RpcClasses.h so don't add to base class

receive commands, and send back the responses char buf[256], outbuf[256]; while(1) { pc.gets(buf, 256); Call the static call method on the RPC class RPC::call(buf, outbuf); pc.printf("%s\n", outbuf); } } ---

I compiled and put into the same platform mbed NXP lp1768. And run the Matlab program above. But, the LEDs didnt blink.

Please kindly suggest some solutions or similar examples. Thank you for your time.


posted by Myo Thant Sin Aung 09 Jan 2015

I have the exact same problem and am unable to find a Solution? Is there some way to get the code out of the rpc_serial_lpc1768.bin?

Greetings, Florian

posted by Florian B 16 Feb 2015