9 years, 4 months ago.

Including binary library files in a build.

I have a binary library, supplied by a 3rd party (who wont release source code) that has been compiled for a Freescale Cortex M4 MCU. Is there anyway to import this library into the workspace ? The library provides low level interface SPI protocol to a 3rd party chip that provides an extension to the lwip library.

We want to build a prototype system based on FDRM-K64F board. We "hope" to access the source code for the library in the future or may need to build our own but would like to see how it can work under the ARMmbed system.

1 Answer

9 years, 4 months ago.

How is that library compiled? Is it only for m4 ? What toolchain? I am asking if that library is AEABI compatible, so it can be used by other toolchains. As in online IDE there's armcc, if you export you can export to arm gcc or iar or others.

You can add it to the online ide if it has .ar suffix.

Accepted Answer

I have exported the project, created the gcc toolchain and successfully modified the makefile to include the binary library. Thanks

posted by Malcolm McEwan 13 Aug 2015