10 years, 2 months ago.

UDK for mDot - Can't load drivers on Win 7

I've tried 3 UDK boards with mDots inserted. All show the same when trying to install serial driver on Win7 Can't load drivers - 'The driver could not be installed. No mbed Microcontrollers were found'.

  • The UDK is appearing in Explore
  • The UDK appears as Other Devices in Device Manager
  • - ST-Link Debugger
  • - Unknown device

I've tried a reboot What else can I try??

Question relating to:

The MultiConnect® mDot™ offers significantly longer range and improved radio performance compared to traditional wireless solutions—resulting in greater transmission range and reduced capital expense.

1 Answer

10 years, 2 months ago.

The message 'The driver could not be installed. No mbed Microcontrollers were found' is typical for the mbeds using NXP devices. The mDot seems to use STM F4xx devices. I would try to follow the procedure for updating the firmware on STM boards. That includes installing an ST utility which also installs the ST-Link serial driver. See http://developer.mbed.org/teams/st/wiki/ST-Link-Driver and http://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST/wiki/Nucleo-Firmware.

Accepted Answer

Wim thanks for replying so quickly. I'm a total newbi to mBed and these boards in beta so I going to hold for MultiTech to comeback to me as I'm worried I will brick them.

I've worked with embedded ARM MCUs using electricimp.com and espruino.com but mBed is a much bigger step for an non pro programmer like me. It seems there is a lot more you have to take care of in terms of firmware than I'm used to dealing with.

posted by Lawrence Griffiths 04 Jan 2015