9 years, 11 months ago.

ST nucleo F401RE with CC3000 wifi initialization

I am working with Martin Kojta's cc3000_simple_socket_demo program and I am trying to initialize a ST Nucleo F401RE board with CC3000 wifi module, I have added:


#elif defined TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE
     first_IRQ_number = SysTick_IRQn,
     last_IRQ_number  = FPU_IRQn,

into NVIC_set_all_priorities.h to support the board interrupts, but I do not know how to initialize it in init.cpp

Import programcc3000_simple_socket_demo

cc3000 simple socket demo (not using EthernetInterface) !

Question relating to:

cc3000 simple socket demo (not using EthernetInterface) ! CC3000, TCP, wifi

your board might not require to do any init , even that all priority might not be require dfor a simple application.

posted by Martin Kojtal 02 Jan 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 11 months ago.

I think (not 100% sure), you can just remove this part:

    PORTA->ISFR |= (1 << 16);

Then you would change where it sets NVIC_SetPriority(PORTA_IRQn, 0x1); change the IRQ to that of the IRQ you are using for the pin. So for example if the pin that generates the IRQ is using EXTI0_IRQn you would change its priority to 0x1. From what I can see all thats happening is they want the port that is generating the IRQ to be above the system tick priority. The top part that I said to remove is just setting the IRQ bit mask, and that is being done in another place in the program.