9 years, 9 months ago.

TCPSocketConnection - accept timeout

Hi everyone !

Maybe I have dumb question but I have program to connect between PC and MBED by TCP Socket. Everything working "well" only when MBED start-up waiting everytime to moment when I run the program on PC. But I need some timeout when the PC not connected in time to skip the accept function and continue in other stuffs.

Is there a way how wait only for known time and than continue ?

Thank you for answer !



Question relating to:

I "solved" this problem to work with RTOS. So program is stuck in function to accept new connection for moment when client is connected but RTOS call also other threads and work "normally". But now I had problem that EthnernetInterface not working after 30 minutes ... And really I dont know ehre is the problem. Any idea ? Thank you !

posted by Radek Vanc 30 Dec 2014
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