10 years, 2 months ago.

How to use USER Key with IT

Thanks to the ST US Team for having posted the Blue_NRG SW. It works for HRM and Battery on STM32F411 Board (once doing the modification for the SPI clock with R10 and R11). But the USER_BUTTON does not work under interup anymore. mybutton.fall(&user_pressed); Could you check that ? Regards, fbd38

Question relating to:

Heart Rate monitor example for the Nucleo board and the Bluetooth Low Energy Nucleo board.

Hi Francois

I think there is an issue with the mbed library. I have updated the Nucleo_BLE_UART example to use the USER_BUTTON in interrupt mode to send data http://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST-Americas-mbed-Team/code/Nucleo_BLE_UART/

I did some changes to the BNRG_SPI_Init() function in bluenrg_shield_bsp.c file. The USER_BUTTON configuration should be made before the A0 interrupt configuration. The USER_BUTTON interrupts are handled in the EXTI_irq_handler() function.

That is the only solution that worked for me.

Regards, Slim.

posted by slim.jallouli@... 24 Dec 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Francois,

Not working form me too. I don't know the root cause yet. I'll let you know when I find it.

Also please remove led1 from the project as there is a conflict between the LED and one of the SPI signals used to talk to the BLE device.

Best regards.

Accepted Answer

To clarify, I think Slim means comment out any usage of LED1 in the source code, as that same gpio is being used as SPI_CLK. Crazy choice of pin for the LED on the Nucleos!

posted by David Lowe 24 Dec 2014