10 years ago.

Why can't I use this pin?

Hello everyone,

I don't get it. If I change this line to read:

DigitalOut myled(D2);

I can 'see' the pulses on my o'scope. But, if I change 'D2' to 'D0' or 'D1', nothing happens. Why?

Thanks, Duane

1 Answer

10 years ago.

Since the pins D0 and D1 are connected to ... nothing. Solder bridges SB62 i SB63 are default open (see Nucleo manual). Despite the fact that the description of these pins is PA_2 and PA_3 port pins, these signals actually going to Stlink as RX and TX not to D0, D1 Arduino header. The reason is compatibility with Arduino and Arduino shields.

Accepted Answer