10 years, 2 months ago.

USBSerial connection problems with Linux Debian

1. have a lpc11u24 ARM chip on a custom board

2. using USBSerial library to communicate with linux pc (debian 7.7 64 bit kernal 3.0.2)

3. when I plug the board usb into the linux pc and then turn on the pc (board is already powered) then usb shows up in the /dev folder as ttyACM0

4. when I try to connect using python serial library I get a input/output error

5. if I reset the board then the input / output error goes away and everything is fine

6. but, the way I need to use this board requires the communication works without having to have the user press the reset button on the board

7. I have permissions on the serial port already and all that (otherwise I wouldn't be able to talk to the serial port after the lpc11u24 reset)

8. this problem does not occur when I use a Mac book or windows pc

Question: as anyone experiences this problem with linux, and what have you done to fix it?

Thank you for any help with this matter

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