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10 years ago.
nRF 51 dongle problem
Im just starting out with the nRF51 dongle, when i switched the mcu interface to mbed and when i opened the .htm i found out that Nordic nRF51822 was added to my devices instead of nRF51 dongle. i ignored this and added the dongle manually to my compiler. then i made a simple blinky code to test it out and it worked without issues. but when i imported the ble_hearRate and set the target device to the dongle and downloaded the .hex file to the dongle i found a generated text file with "Out of memory" written in that text file so i tried to compile the heart rate example to Nordic nRF51822 board and downloaded the new .hex file to my dongle and it worked perfectly (i tested it with nordic nrf toolbox app).
so my question here is should i set my target device as Nordic nRF51822 always , or is there something i'm missing here ?