10 years ago.

Exporting project to Keil


I try to start developing code using embed platform and I find out that I can export my project into Keil uVision (which I'm currently using). So I exported my project into keil format, but when I try to compile, it took more than 20 minutes but in mbed platform it takes few seconds. My project containt M64F (freedom board), EthernetInterface, mbed-rtos and mbed-src.

Can somebody help me to solve that problem?

1 Answer

10 years ago.

Your system is slow, mbed compiler is fast?

I have very limitted experience with Keil, but is it set for incremental compiling? (Not a clue how to do it, or if that is always the case). If you compile online using compile all in the online compiler it also won't be finished in a few seconds, it is finished so fast since it only compiles changed files.

From what I remember from building the K64F library offline using the Keil compiler (but from command line using mbed build scripts, so I don't know if that is same speed as using Keil itself) I remember it takes > 60 seconds. (Compared to 10 seconds for the LPC1768, the K64F isn't the most efficient one looking at compile time). With mbed-src, Ethernet and RTOS you then have probably the three largest libraries available wihtin mbed. So a few minutes compile time doesn't seem weird to me. But of course a few minutes isn't 20 minutes, which makes me wonder if your system is slow :D.

Of course this is all extrapolated from how long it took me to build the mbed lib offline, so maybe your numbers are normal. The main thing I would look at is if you can enable incremental compiling.

Just add a comment here, it takes so long because K64F sources are big (there's KSDK), plus all those headers, and how they are used. It takes time. It should not take more than 20 minutes, but in range of minutes depending on the application and used machine.

posted by Martin Kojtal 12 Dec 2014

My machine is fast enough to compile that sources much faster. I think that something is wrong. I've compiled different codes that reach about 1M for stm32f4 (non mbed one) but mbed code form K64F that takes 5% flash and 15% ram is compiling more than 20 minutes (I was trying on few different machine e.g. i5 16GB ram and AMD quad-core 8GB ram -> times are similar)

That weird after compilation my project folder weight about 1,6GB, is it truly right?

posted by Patryk Patlas 13 Dec 2014