9 years, 1 month ago.

Attempting to use both uart_2 and uart_6 on NucleoF401RE

I am trying to communicate via both uart_2 and uart_6.

When I just use uart_2 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); tx, rx my program and pc.printf instructions work fine, but when I try toadd uart_6 with

Serial bb(PC_6, PA_10); tx, rx

it compiles but I get a "pinmap mis-match" message from printf instruction.

my goal was to be able to communicate through uart_6 with the printf method e.g. bb.printf("hello world \n");

Does anyone have any suggestions?

1 Answer

9 years, 1 month ago.

According to the pinout diagram on the platform page for the F401 you can use either PC_6 or PA_11 for TX and either PC_7 or PA_12 for RX.

Accepted Answer