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10 years ago.
compiling error for Mbed rev 90-91-92 but 89
On a K64F platform the latest mbed with mbed-rtos and EthernetInterface fails to compile. The first error is: Error: Too few arguments in invocation of macro "BW_MPU_CESR_VLD" in "EthernetInterface/lwip-eth/arch/TARGET_K64F/hardware_init_MK64F12.c", Line: 44, Col: 22
If I switch to mbed version 89, it compiles correctly.
To duplicate: -create new Program (e.g. frdm_gpio) -add library mbedRTOS and EthernetInterface -compile failed with errors -switch mbed to revision 89. -compile succeeded.
Thanks R
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1 Answer
10 years ago.
What version of RTOs and Ethernet do you use? They need to be updated as well.
I saw the same issue already reported, which I recall was solved by updating all libraries.
It started when I updated my libraries on an old project and it failed to compile. So I created a simplified version to show the problem. All libraries are updated (RTOS rev. 54, Ethernet rev. 44).
Default project compiles correctly with mbed rev. 89, RTOS rev. 54, Ethernet rev. 44. It fails with mbed rev. 92, RTOS rev. 54, Ethernet rev. 44 (all latest updates).
posted by 09 Dec 2014