10 years, 1 month ago.

I2C Class on p9&p10 not working?


My first LPC4088 QSB is now just running the blinky program with full edit-compile-program-edit-... cycle.

So my next thing is to get I2C IO-expander working (a PCF8574).

It didn't work with the standard I2C class provided by the MBED library. So I toke my old code from a previous project where there was no build-in support for I2C. Meaning that it uses GPIO to emulate I2C signals. This code is working, also without external pullups. So it means I have a functional LPC4088 QSB module and my wiring is correct.

Nevertheless the I2C build-in class is not working.

My example project for I2C-Class: http://developer.mbed.org/users/karelv/code/i2c_lpc4088/ My example project for I2C-IO-based: http://developer.mbed.org/users/karelv/code/i2c_io_lpc4088/

Does somebody has same or better experience?

Best regards, Karel.

Question relating to:

The mbed-enabled LPC4088 QuickStart Board from Embedded Artists is a easy to use ARM Cortex-M4 rapid prototyping board in a standard through hole DIP package (44-pin), targeted at high-performance as …

Note: Quickly checked on the other I2C port: I2C_0(p32&p31) and here both demo programs are working correctly.

So my problem seems related only to I2C_1 port on p9&p10.

posted by karel.vanroye@... 07 Dec 2014


I do not know the status for using p9/p10 but I am having a small issue with using the I2C0 port on SCL pin31-P5_3 and SDA pin32-P5_2.

The SCL pin stays down at all time while the SDA pin appears to be working fine. I see data but no clock on I2C write operations. It has to be something simple, but since I am very new with using the LPC4088 and NXP code base, someone might figure out what's causing the issue faster then I do.

I tried to removed other cpu peripherals to see if any of those where keeping the pin down, but no luck yet.

This line I use is: I2C i2c_bus(p32, p31);

posted by H. Chanon 31 Jan 2015

I just figured out what is my problem and It is most likely not related to this p9/p10 issue. Apparently, Using I2C0 on p5_2 and P5_3 requires a different IOCON register bitmapping (type I) not implemented in the current mbed src. (at least those I am using)

If my schedule allows it, I'll work on something and create a pull-request.

posted by H. Chanon 01 Feb 2015

Hum.. Actually the handling for the specialized I2C pins appears to be there. It is done i n pinmap_pinout() in i2c_init(). It just does not allow adjusting IOCON type I options. The IOCON value I read back after configuraiton in i2c_init for pin P5_2 and P5_3 is 0xA5 which looks ok to me.

Still, my I2C SCLK on p31 does not move. I'll start another post on this.

posted by H. Chanon 02 Feb 2015

I finally fixed my I2C problem, which was of unexpected nature.

Doing some measurement, I noticed that no pull-up was measured between SCL pin and 3V3. Somehow, there was no connection between J9.p31 (SCL) and R4 pull-up. I added a jumper wire between those and it fixed my problem. Was it a cold solder or a weak PCB trace? I can't say. I'll do the check on a second EA LPC4088 board I should received soon.

posted by H. Chanon 02 Feb 2015

1 Answer

10 years, 1 month ago.

Hi, It works when we test it. We read the temperature from an LM75 sensor (via p9/p10). I suggest that you hook up an oscilloscope and have a look at the signal waveforms. Maybe that will give you some clues what is going on. Kind Regards, Anders @ EA