8 years, 12 months ago.

MPU9150 sends same data after some time


The program works well but after 5-10mins it starts sending same data over n over again, i.e. it stops working.

Is there any reason why this happens?

Could you please help?

Thanks ans Regards, Neil

Question relating to:

An example program that decodes the data returned from the MPU9150 DMP DMP, example, MPU9150

1 Answer

8 years, 12 months ago.

Hey Neil, the way the demo is written if the mpu9150 stops sending data, or the i2c connection stops working for some reason then it will continue to resend what's in the buffer but I would expect it to lose frame sync (you would start getting random data) rather than lose the connection entirely. If you reset just the mpu9150 does that restart the data stream? the only real help I can offer at the moment is make sure that your i2c connection is short very secure.

Hi Chris,

It does not send random data. It actually just sends the last value that it sent again and again :)

The i2c connection is a wire connection and a long wire maybe that could be the issue?

Any reason why the MPU 9150 would stop sending data? It also happens with very rapid movements. Any reason why that would happen? The wire doesnt seem to come out.

Yes, On restarting the nordic board it works fine ;)

Also, at times when I program my board, it sends all zero values, while restarting it then sends correct values.

Thanks and Regards, Neil Carvalho

posted by Neil S Carvalho 29 Jul 2015

movement of the wire in the connector can (probably will) cause noise on the i2c connection, probably enough to cause issue, combined with the long wires I'm not surprised that there are read errors. why it stops sending any data I'l have to look into, the demo is very simplistic there is no error detection and by deafault the library only initialises the ic2 at 100khz instead of 400khz so it works for more people with bad connections =)

posted by Chris Pepper 29 Jul 2015

Oh, if you have time could you please please please have a look at it and let me know if possible :)

Thanks for all your help :)

posted by Neil S Carvalho 29 Jul 2015