9 years, 6 months ago.

where do I find module.json?

I followed instructions on installing yotta on windows, then downloaded alpha3 for frdm-k64f platform, ARM-GCC package.

Then attempted to build uvisor-helloworld in mbedOS-alpha3-release\examples. Following the instruction by executing "yotta target -g frdm-k64f-gcc". This command finished silently.

Then typed in the command "yotta build" and received the following error messages: error: No module.json file. error: The current directory does not contain a valid module.

Question: Is module.json part of the package I download? Or these files are generated on the local computer? Where can I find these files?


Question relating to:

mbed OS Alpha3 Partners

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.


what directory are you in? Yotta build requires to be in a root of a module where is module.json file located which contains all required information for that module (dependencies, etc).

You can check what target is set for your module (You are using target global settings though), yotta target, will display it.

Thanks Martin!

I was in examples\uvisor-helloworld directory. The platform is frdm-k64f, using GCC for ARM. Here is the output from yotta:

C:\development\mbedOS-alpha3-release\examples\uvisor-helloworld>yotta target frdm-k64f-gcc,* missing

C:\development\mbedOS-alpha3-release\examples\uvisor-helloworld>yotta build error: No module.json file. error: The current directory does not contain a valid module.


Interestingly, I searched through the package but didn't find the file "module.json" anywhere..

Should this file be part of the package I download from mbed?

posted by Yuxin Zhou 15 Jul 2015