9 years, 10 months ago.

Does Atomwear support mbed or mbed FOTA? Is there an Atomwear Platform?

How do I set the mbed Platform for AtomWear? Does Atomwear support loading programs by normal mbed (appears as USB drive)? Maybe Atomwear can support mbed FOTA (nRF51822 FOTA) without any hardware changes?

Question relating to:

Atomwear is a micro, modularized, open source, wearable BLE device for DIYers. It makes any BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) projects easier.


posted by Rikiya Yamamoto 14 Jan 2015

Got my Atomwear, Result of initial Testing:

  • Worked great just out of box: stickman shows on oLED, connects to nRF-MCP, tiny well made PCBs, but I couldn't run Android App as I don't use Eclipse
  • Atomwear supports mbed FOTA (not normal mbed drive nor USB Serial)
    • Connect JLink to Atomwear Debug Header, Load FOTA Initial for mkit using nRFgoStudio
    • From there you can use FOTA DFU updating with Android App: nRF Master Control Panel
    • Warning: IO is different from mkit, so check schematics before driving LEDs, Switches, or other IO.
    • Needs a system-info file and a platform definition (I'll have to learn how to do these things)
posted by Paul Russell 28 Jan 2015
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