9 years, 6 months ago.

1 interrupt ok... 2 interrupts not ok !


I have a working timer interrupt handler thanks to this call:

InterruptManager::get()->add_handler(pointerOnTIM4_Interrupt, TIM4_IRQn);

So now I try to configure an other interrupt on an other timer (TIM1), exactly the same way. But when I configures the interrupt like this:


this does not work.

The REALLY weird thing is that when I put TIM_IT_Update, it does work but it is not what I need !!

I think it is in the configuration, or startup file.

(In fact, this entire code works on Eclipse (Ac6 plug-in), where I could modify a little the stm32f10x.h file, but I need it to work on mbed now...)

Have you got any tip ?

Best regards,


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