9 years, 6 months ago.



I'd like to ask why does mbed not default to C++11 or C++14 yet? Official ARM GCC builds (https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded) compile C++11 properly for a long time now. It also works fine with todays mbed so what's the wait about? Perhaps other proprietary compilers?

FunctionPointer & FunctionPointerArg1.. could be replaced by std::function. https://developer.mbed.org/cookbook/FPointer could be replaced & generalized by std::bind. (Btw. I'm not a proponent of std. Those variadic templates can be replaced by mbed's own implementation if needed.) People using smartpointers could utilize rvalue references. etc etc...

The online compiler doesn't use GCC. It looks as if the Keil compiler that is being used online does not yet have full support for C++11 (at least in their standard library).

posted by Ned Konz 18 Jun 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

Oh I wish I could. C++1x !

The online compiler is running on ARMCC (not the latest version, so 5.x - version 6 will be clang based which has C++1x), therefore C++11 is not enabled there. Why do you think we came up with those FunctionPointer classes. As Ned shared, there is support but std::function for example is missing there :-) or some other cool stuff.

IAR for example yet does not support any C++1x but it's planned as I was told "fingers crossed".

By the way, we are are in 2015 :))

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