9 years, 3 months ago.

How can I get this working on EFM32 Happy Gecko?


Tried to export the project from the online mBed compiler to Simplicity studio, but it does not seem to work!

It works on other projects though, but not at any of the usb Audio project(USBAUDIO_speaker, USBAudioPlayback, USBAudio_HelloWorld). It works when trying to dowload a GCC version.

What do i need to do to get this working? (also the Happy Gecko does not show up as a flash drive on my win 7 computer.. any suggestion here?)

Settings is: Export target: EMF usb-enabled happy gecko Toolchain: Simplicity studios


Hans E

Question relating to:

Silabs is not supported in USBDevice, so it should not compile. Or did I miss anything?

posted by Martin Kojtal 11 Jun 2015
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