9 years, 1 month ago.

Available BIN for LPC11u37_LPC1768_INTERFACE ?


currently i will work with the lpc11u37 as an interface chip for the LPC1768.

Just before starting to build my own binary for this interface chip. Is there anybody, that already has build the firmware for the lpc11u37 as interface chip?

If not, what files i have to modify in the inteface/hal folder?

I addition, i wrote the artikel about the CMSIS-DAP (https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/cmsis-dap-interface-firmware) However, if it should be a HowTo Guide, i think it is not really clear, what steps are necessary for the modifications regarding the interface chip and what for the target chip. A Guide with a chronological sequence would be very helpful.

If i have successfully add the new interface chip, i will very keen on push the code and binary to the mbed HDK.

Regards Julien

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