9 years, 1 month ago.

Failed to update mbed. Working with EA LPC4088

To update the version mbed 101, from version mbed 97 get the following error:

Error: Identifier "us_ticker_read" is undefined uint32_t end = us_ticker_read() + 50*1000; 50ms in "EALib/MCIFileSystem.cpp", Line: 758, Col: 20.

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We are the leading providers of products and services around prototyping, evaluation and OEM platforms using NXP's ARM-based microcontrollers.

1 Answer

9 years, 1 month ago.

Thanks for pointing this out. The problem has been fixed in the latest version of

Import libraryEALib

A library with drivers for different peripherals on the LPC4088 QuickStart Board or related add-on boards.

Accepted Answer

Now everything is ok. Thank you very much.

posted by Javier Dominguez Blanco 10 Jun 2015

Thanks guys for fixing it quickly

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Jun 2015