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9 years, 6 months ago.
Variable condition for Simulink StateFlow
Hi everyone!
I'm doing a project about a queue car assitance using Matlab's Simulink to generate the code and use it in the mbed compiler.
The system uses a Distance Sensor HC-SR04. Using the distance information I decide if the car should advance or not.
Distance sensor HC-SR04 uses an echo and trigger to compute de distance ( which I have correctly programmed in the compiler). I have declare the next inputs and outputs in Simulink:
Input for Controller State Machine: Trigger
Outputs: LedAdvance, LedBack, Echo
My doubt is about how to declare this distance condition to change between states in my StateFlow. The condition to change between states for example could be:
state0 ~~~~~~~ [distance>10] ~~~~~> state1
I have tried to declare 'distance' as a parameter in the Model Explorer. Do I have to declare it as another input for the Controller State Machine?
Thank you in advance!