9 years, 9 months ago.

Select TARGET_NRF51822_SBKIT as platform in IDE

I am experimenting with nRF51822 Smart Beacon Kit and I found out that there is no platform in mbed IDE that works with that hardware. (I tried NRF51822 FOTA, NRF51-DK and NRF51-Dongle with no success). While digging in the source tree I found a directory named TARGET_NRF51822_SBKIT. My guess is that is the correct platform. How do I select it from the IDE? Is there a way how can I help to get this added? I will happily test

Question relating to:

mbed library sources mbed

Can you please clarify this statement "mbed IDE that works with that hardware". Do you have the beacon hardware and you are asking about the hardware that is at the other end, listening to the beacon, or are you working with the beacon software and want to know what hardware you can run it on?

posted by Philip Freidin 11 Sep 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 5 months ago.

The most neutral platform seems to me to be https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/Nordic-nRF51822/

i have used it with barebone modules.

Please check that the quartz in your board is 16mhz.

The board you have selected, mkit , is discontinued, and Nordic no longer makes or sells it. Their current development platform is this board: nRF51-DK

posted by Philip Freidin 11 Sep 2015