9 years, 3 months ago.

using mbed and freescale processor expert

New to mbed, but like what I see so far.

Is it possible to use mbed as a Freescale Processor Expert component?

What leads me to ask this question is the file fsl_os_abstraction_mbed.h which I found deep within GitHub (https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/blob/43d7f387ec8e6fef8c03cb5e3a74f7b1596c8f8c/libraries/mbed/targets/hal/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KPSDK_MCUS/TARGET_KPSDK_CODE/utilities/fsl_os_abstraction_mbed.h)

How would I create a project that uses this file? I see no option in the mbed compiler to target Freescale or KDSDK.

Question relating to:

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.


have you read the comment inside that fsl_os_abstraction ? IT explains what is that file about.

No, PE and mbed is not compatible at least I am not aware of that ( I havent used PE for a while, I havent tried how it interacts with KSDK for example) . Why would you like to use PE with mbed? Some people might be interested hearing this. I consider PE as baremetal development, where you can click/generate any peripheral or clocking , etc... With mbed, there's hal, which hides that magic from a user, as they are exposed via higher abstraction - c++ API.

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your response.

You asked me to comment. I have only started using PE. Many of my colleagues use it. They use it as you suggest, to generate peripheral and clocking code. PE also includes OS components. For example, you can select FreeRTOS as a component and PE will generate the code to include FreeRTOS in your project. The PE code that is generated when you include FreeRTOS is named in a way that is very close to the file I linked to above. Because of the naming similarities, I was motivated to ask if mbed would be a component of PE much like FreeRTOS is now.

By no means am I an expert on mbed or PE or the Kinetis SDK or CMSIS. That's part of why I ask such simple minded questions. I've read that mbed would comply with CMSIS-RTOS. I've read that KSDK would comply with CMSIS-CORE. Is it reasonable for me to assume that I can use the CMSIS-CORE portions of KSDK with CMSIS-RTOS portions of mbed? Does the mbed HAL layer comply with the CMSIS-CORE? Thank you for your patience.

posted by Chris Detka 03 Jun 2015