9 years, 11 months ago.

CellularModem Port compile errors


I'm trying to port the UbloxModem and CellularModem libraries to work with a Nimbelink Skywire modem. I'm using Nimbelink's arduino shield sitting on top of a STM32F401RE Nucleo board. When I try to compile inside the online compile I get several errors pointing to a stm32f401xe.h file.

Error: Expected an identifier in "extras/mbed_031413cf7a89/TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE/stm32f401xe.h", Line: 213, Col: 17 Here are a couple lines of code that it errors on...

__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< PWR power control register,        Address offset: 0x00 */

__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RCC clock control register,          Address offset: 0x00 */

__IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< RTC control register,                    Address offset: 0x08 */

I have already compiled a very simple program that just does serial pass thru to the modem so I know that works. Any ideas, I'm still very new to mbed.

Thanks Kevin

So if I target the C027 board everything compiles and I get a binary out. I had to change the hardware Pin names but that's all I change to get it to work on the C027. Any thoughts??? Does the Nucleo mbed library not support something?

posted by Kevin Holland 20 Nov 2014

After digging a bit the fwk.h file in the CellularModem lib has a define for CR. This interferes with all target platforms that use CR in their register typedef, Specifically I tried ST and Freescale

posted by Kevin Holland 21 Nov 2014
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