9 years, 7 months ago.

Will this code suitable for Nucleo-L053R8?? if not what are the changes i should do??

I'm getting two errors while flashing the code. Error: Identifier "p9" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 35, Col: 22 Error: Identifier "p10" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 35, Col: 26. What changes should i do?. thank you.

Question relating to:

Dear Martin, Thank you. the code succesfully compiled. I have a question. In an video i see it's saying plug the mbed. what does it mean is it any hardware?? I'm using nucleo board. It is supported by mbed. I can see a mbed file always when i plug in.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 22 May 2015

success. I could see the temp and humidity thank you very much Martin. have a nice wekend.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 22 May 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 7 months ago.


you need to change PinNames to your platform in this code:

SHTx::SHT15 sensor(p9, p10);

Accepted Answer

I'm using PB6 as SCl and PB7 as SDA. i changed like this. SHTx::SHT15 sensor(pb6, pb7); still same errors.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 22 May 2015

Name for nucleo Px_number - PB_7 for example

posted by Martin Kojtal 22 May 2015