9 years, 9 months ago.

uVision: how to efficiently step over to an updated library made available on github ?


I'm now at the point to have set up my first uVision environment and exported a first project from GitHub to my local IDE installation (in my case: https://developer.mbed.org/teams/IBM_IoT/code/IBMIoTClientEthernetExample/). During compilation I experienced many warnings and some errors. I was able to bring those down but some persisted and it pointed out that those errors come from outdated libraries or side effects caused by other changes. So now I have to use another version of a specific library (in my case: https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/) than the one that came with the initial project download/export.

My question is now: is there a comfortable way to update my local project code base with the newest library versions from GitHub from within uVision ? Or do I have to do this on a manual way (as I did so far - but hating it meanwhile): download/export the updated library from Githup to a separate local directory and copy the modified files to the project directory(s) ? (or at least using a folder sync tool). But this way is very tricky and has a lot of chances for errors ....

Is there a way to let uVision use code from GitHub directly ? What is the meaning of those .lib (text) files containing nothing but a http: link ?

I've been searching for a while now on this topic but found nothing specific on this ....

Thanx for any guidance or hints ....


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