9 years, 7 months ago.

Where's more detailed documentation for stm32L053? (for example register descriptions)

I'm using the STM32L053R8 Nucleo kit. I've managed to get the LD2 to blink.

I'm trying to get a more detailed understanding and trying to not use the HAL. (only CMSIS).

I found description for the GPIO on someones website. ( http://hertaville.com/2012/07/28/stm32f0-gpio-tutorial-part-1/ ) There I found for instance the description of the MODER, OSPEEDR and OTYPER

Where can I find the same informaiton for for example the Timer registers? (and USART and I2C etc)

I've found in the typedefs in STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.1.0/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L0xx/Include/stm32l053xx.h (I'm using STE32Cube) and see the name of the registers but I haven't found what the meaning of each value is. (for instance what do I the different bits in the CR1 timer register mean?)

So far I've found the Datasheet for STM32L053C6 STM32L053C8STM32L053R6 STM32L053R8, the nucleo board user manual for nucleo bards and programmers manual for the cortex m0+

1 Answer

9 years, 7 months ago.

You need the reference manual RM0367 when you want that kind of information on peripherals and registers. See here. This will keep you busy for a while, it is a document of over 1000 pages...

Accepted Answer

Thanks a lot Wim, exactly what I was looking for :)

posted by Orri Tomasson 19 May 2015