9 years, 8 months ago.

Error compiling mbed-rtos. Can't find include file...

Error: Cannot open source input file "cmsis_os.h": No such file or directory in "mbed-rtos/rtos/Thread.h", Line: 26, Col: 22

Title says it all. Create an empty project using just the most current mbed, mbed-rtos, and EthernetInterface. That's it.

Try to compile just that.

You get the above error message.

1 Answer

9 years, 8 months ago.

Known issue, believe has something to do with new target which broke some stuff. If you revert to one revision older of mbed-rtos it should work afaik.

Using FRDM-K64F I had same problem. I reverted to rev 47 of mbed_rtos, but got a new problem: can't find core_ca9.h. Any ideas?

posted by David Jeffrey 11 Nov 2014