10 years, 3 months ago.

Formatted my nRF58122 kit board... DONT DO IT!! --> Is it possible to reprogram the ATSAM** chip?

Long story short, my mkit board was acting up so I thought "hmm perhaps I'll format it and reflash the boot loader". Turns out that was a piss poor choice. Disk Utility said "format failed" but it worked well enough to wipe out the FTDI interface (or whatever allowed UART to work before), and now the board doesn't enumerate, nor does LD3 light up when I plug the board in (whether reset is held or not).

So my question is: Has anybody ever gone about programming the ATSAM chip on the board? How can this be done? Is this a task for the I2C or SPI(zero) interface broken out by the p20, p22 or perhaps the SPI(one) on p12-p15? Even still, I imagine those interfaces are perhaps specifically for the nrf51822 chip (and don't even touch the atSAM chip).

Please help haha I've really done it this time =/

what did you use to format? Can you enter the bootloader mode?

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Nov 2014

I used the mac OS X Disk Utility. I can't enter boot loader mode.

posted by Nathan Argetsinger 10 Nov 2014

I would assume it should not do any harm to the interface itself.

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Nov 2014

Well harm is a loose term. I'm sure the chip is 'fine' in that it may be just as it was when it left the factory, but without an AVR/ISP programmer I'm unsure what to do (since USB no longer functions). The board cannot be seen by the computer and doesn't turn on (bootloader or normal).

posted by Nathan Argetsinger 10 Nov 2014
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