11 years, 10 months ago.

store data in mbed

Hi every one

How can I store a data into my mbed so I can use it for my program?

Lets say that I Have a certain figures and I need to use them later for my program

thanks in advance Majed

1 Answer

11 years, 10 months ago.

The mbed itself has a (small) localfilesystem, this is just the same as what you see when you put your mbed in your computer. You can store stuff on it to be used by your program. (See LocalFileSystem).

If you need more storage space there are several options. You can use a seperate IC for more memory, which is probably the fastest option. If speed is less an issue, and usability more, then your best bet is probably either an SD card or a USB flash drive, both have libraries for easy usage.

Hi Erik

sine I am new to mbed and the programming language, what code can use to store the data or recall it later?

thanks Majed

posted by Majed Fairaq 04 Mar 2013