10 years, 2 months ago.

Get Data From Sensor

Hi all; I work with FRDM KL25Z and FRDM FXS Multi-B boards and want to get data from sensors of Multi-B board which are FXAS8700CQ gyroscope MAG3110 magnetometer and MMA8652FC accelerometer. I don't really know how to write code so i found this code ( http://developer.mbed.org/teams/Freescale/code/FRDM_MMA8451Q/ ) for KL25Z board's sensor it worked well then i tried to convert this code for Multi-B board's sensor but it didn't work. There is no error but data gives just zero and don't change for any sensor. Then i found this one for Multi Sensor Shield ( http://developer.mbed.org/components/Freescale-Multi-Sensor-Shield/ ) but this one is gives just zero too. Please help me

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