10 years, 2 months ago.

11u68 Serial printf not working

I am unable to get the Serial class working on the LPC11U68. I updated the firmware and can download and run mbed blinky without a problem. The virtual serial port does not enumerate and I cannot print using the printf command. I can print using the USBDevice driver and the target USB connector. Everything works perfectly with the KL25Z using the same code (just switch platform and recompile). Could I have some sort of PC driver problem?

Thanks, Tom

Problem solved.

posted by Tom Russell 21 Oct 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 1 month ago.


If this is solved, can you you share the solution? There might be a user with same problem and will find it helpful.


Sure. I had the terminal software setup to the wrong baud rate. The confusion was that I also have a driver problem with my PC and I am posting a question asking for help with that.

posted by Tom Russell 21 Oct 2014