9 years, 9 months ago.

mbed-src export for Keil

Hallo, I have tried to export the source lib for the Keil IDE and Nucleo F103RB target but I get "Page error, Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.". I need to modify the file pwmout_api.c so I have to recompile the lib. Does any ony one have the same problem whe the lib is downloaded?

Thank you.


Question relating to:

mbed library sources mbed

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Seems like the exporting is not functional via website. please add it to your online IDE and export it from there at the moment.

Accepted Answer

Hi Martin, I have tried to import the lib online but I get "Server responded with a failur code 502 - Bad Gateway".

posted by Andrea Toscan 14 Oct 2014

I tried again and the online import runs. Thanks

posted by Andrea Toscan 14 Oct 2014