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10 years, 2 months ago.
STM32F334 mini Breakout Board
I've been working on moving from "Arduino mini" to STM32 Discovery (stm32F334) microcontrollers for most of my projects.
So far I have mostly worked with the STM32 Discovery boards because they are cheap and include the programmer. But they are somewhat large . What I really wanted was something simple to replace an "Arduino mini" as the "standard" board I use to test out new ideas.
What is your question?
posted by Martin Kojtal 14 Oct 2014Recently, I bought NUCLEO-F334R8 (, I am converting programs written on arduino mini for the new STM32 microcontroller NUCLEO-F334R8. I'm finding very well, thanks to the online compiler (
I would like to find the equivalent NUCLEO-F334R8 / or greater, smaller size (like mini arduino) Currently I know that does not exist (with the same characteristics of these new family NUCLEO Discovery boards).
So I think I have to make it yourself. I searched the web and found these examples
But I have not found Gerbers file to create the PCB.
The most important feature is that it must have an input Vin external support (external source 3.3 V, 5 V, 7-12 V as the NUCLEO-F334R8 or higher)
I am looking for support to create the file gerbers or directions to find an equivalent NUCLEO-F334R8 / or greater in size small, like arduino mini.
if this is not the appropriate forum I apologize, thanks for your help
posted by paolo assaiante 14 Oct 2014I solved I found this is the top !!
posted by paolo assaiante 16 Oct 2014