10 years, 2 months ago.


I need to use rj45 Ethernet socket (Pulse Jack, J00-0045NL) for my project but I am not using mbed application board I need to connect Pulse Jack, J00-0045NL to LPC1768 can u help me with the physical connection please.

Question relating to:

Websocket Test Program for W5500 or WIZ550io ( WIZnet, http://wizwiki.net ) LPC11U68 Xpresso v2 + WIZ550io Ethernet Board. ethernet, EthernetInterface, EthernetInterfaceW5500, http, IOT, LPC11U68, WebSocket, Wiznet

hi~ Did you use a W5500?

posted by Scott Jeong 10 Oct 2014
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