10 years, 2 months ago.


I need to use rj45 Ethernet socket (Pulse Jack, J00-0045NL) for my project but I am not using mbed application board I need to connect Pulse Jack, J00-0045NL to LPC1768 can u help me with the physical connection please.

Question relating to:

mbed socket API socket

1 Answer

10 years, 2 months ago.

you need to connect ethernet pins of lpc1768( Rd+ Rd- Td+ and Td- )to the pulse jack. the physical connection can be found on the following link : http://developer.mbed.org/cookbook/RFID-Tweeter

as far as software is concerned you need to import standard ethernet libraries (there are many ethernet libraries for lpc1768). and write a basic test program

EthernetInterface eth;

printf("connected, ip address is %s",eth.getIPAddress());

Accepted Answer

is that all nothing to do with the PHY chip, and some passives and a 50MHz clock

posted by faizan ali khan 09 Oct 2014

If you're using the actual LPC1768 mbed board, that should include the PHY chip on the back, so you just need to wire it up to the RJ45.


posted by Jez Cawley 09 Oct 2014