9 years, 11 months ago.

libNSDL size

What is libNSDL size, in the http://developer.mbed.org/media/uploads/dan/nsdl-c-1_2-5.pdf at section 2.2 it is mentioned that basic NSDL libcoap size is 3.3k !!!! I really wonder how it is possible to provide all the CoAP features in 3.3k .

even the standrad libary libcoap which is existing from many years says its libcoap size is >30KB.

Pls let me know , the code size listed is the exact size of basic NSDL with all coap features...

Question relating to:

NSDL C library nsdl

1 Answer

9 years, 11 months ago.

nsdl_lib doesnt have an IP stack or socket library included. It expects that to be included as a separate dependency.

Thanks for the reply .. I am still thinking that though it does not have IP stack but still providing all the CoAP features such as CoAP message parser/Composer, Reliablity and etc .. all these implementaion in 4.7Kb size still surprise so I would like to know will the size mentioned for libNSDL is excluding few CoAP features..?

posted by chethan puttanna 08 Oct 2014