9 years, 9 months ago.

little discription about these MFRC522 codes

hi every body

i want to use mfrc522 mbed library in keil compiler & dont want to export codes directrly but i have some problem with these codes


class MFRC522 {
  * MFRC522 constructor
  * @param mosi  SPI MOSI pin
  * @param miso  SPI MISO pin
  * @param sclk  SPI SCLK pin
  * @param cs    SPI CS pin
  * @param reset Reset pin
  MFRC522(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName reset);

  * MFRC522 destructor

  SPI              m_SPI;
  DigitalOut       m_CS;
  DigitalOut       m_RESET;


i know about classes & have some experiences in c++ compiler show errors about unknown type names :PinName, SPI & DigitalOut perhaps <<code>> DigitalOut m_CS;<</code>> defines chip select pin as output & m_RESET is same but whats meaning of <<code>> DigitalOut m_RESET;<</code>> defines chip select pin as output & m_RESET is same but whats meaning of <<code>> DigitalOut m_RESET;<</code>> ? what does it work ? & whats function & type of PinName? what dose it do? whats differences between PinName cs & DigitalOut m_CS;

tnaks every body

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