11 years, 4 months ago.

Why does this Serial declaration keep my code from running?

This code runs fine:

#include "mbed.h"

//Serial GPS(p9,p10);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
DigitalOut GPS_switch(p5);
DigitalIn pps(p12);

char x;
int main() {

    pc.printf("start pulse\n");
    GPS_switch = 1;
    GPS_switch = 0;
    pc.printf("stop pulse\n");
    pc.printf("got pps\n");

outputs something like:

start pulse
stop pulse
got pps

then this code does not work

#include "mbed.h"

Serial GPS(p9,p10);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
DigitalOut GPS_switch(p5);
DigitalIn pps(p12);

char x;
int main() {

    pc.printf("start pulse\n");
    GPS_switch = 1;
    GPS_switch = 0;
    pc.printf("stop pulse\n");
    pc.printf("got pps\n");

To reduce confusion I left out any operations on that GPS Serial object. The output is blank. No messages. In Real Term it outputs Null. In both cases The GPS unit Does power on

Cant really move forward... any help appreciated!

Question relating to:

sorry about the format, I though bbcode worked here. Ive never posted my code before

posted by Andrew Miller 25 Feb 2013

Use <<code>> and <</code>> to make code blocks (on seperate lines).

posted by Erik - 25 Feb 2013

I have edited your question to include the code blocks. The syntax is just slightly different to bbcode.

posted by Tharshan M 26 Feb 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 4 months ago.

Hi, If this is running on the LPC11U24 M0 mbed then the USB TX and RX are shared with P9 & P10 so you can't use both at the same time - it will cause the program to hang...

Accepted Answer

THANK YOU! I am using the lpc11u24 and that would be a major problem, and wasn't quite obvious to me.

posted by Andrew Miller 25 Feb 2013