9 years, 10 months ago.

Do you use an arduino shield between the board and display?

Hi, I'm very new to the mbeds and am thinking of porting an arduino project I'm working on to a 401fre board. I'm currently using the Itead adaptor board on my Mega to drive the display which uses the SSD1289 chip, and also have some uno adaptors kicking around somewhere. Does your library expect these boards or are you using a different set of pins to drive the display?

Cheers Mike

Question relating to:

This is a port of Henning Kralsen's UTFT library for Arduino/chipKIT to mbed, refactored to make full use of C++ inheritance and access control, in order to reduce work when … HX8340, ILI9325, ILI9328, ITDB02, LCD, SSD1289, ST7735, TFT, UTFT
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